Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hari Pertama Elektif Malaysia OB/Gynae

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم         

Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hanya hendak berkongsi satu situasi di wad hospital Malaysia

Setting: Antental ward
HO: This is a GxPx Malay lady with so and so. Last night she had fever, cough and runny nose.
Specialist: Ok, so whats your diagnosis? 
Specialist: What else would you want to know from the blood results?
HO: uhmm, ESR?
Specialist: ESR in pregnancy? hmm, you would want to know whats the differential counts for WCC to distinguish between bacterial and viral infections. What else?
HO: silent. 
Med student: CRP? Renal profile. Big silent. (I was puzzled. What did she really want us to come up with?)
Specialist: Platelet count! You wanted to know if its low in case of dengue fever! Staying in the hospital ward does not make you immune to dengue!
Med student: Uhhh. (what???)

Pengajaran: Penyakit denggi mesti dimasukkan sebagai "possible" diagnosis bagi pesakit yang demam semasa di masukkan wad Hospital Malaysia. Sesuatu yang luar biasa bagi pelajar yang belajar di luar negara. Hehe

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat

1 comment:

  1. Assalam Siti. Boleh akak minta email address utk bertanya sesuatu. Terima kasih :)
